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12.3.2018 |
Analysing programs for PIV images
- Reference implementation:
- AnaPIV - program (source code available) for calculating two-dimensional vector fields from PIV images. The program implements
- iterative vector field correction (3 methods):
- full-pixel window shift
- window sub-pixel shift and deformation
- image shift and deformation
- direct correlation with local normalization
- two-dimensional Gaussian fit
- Whittaker image interpolation
- interrogation area windowing
- universal outlier detection
- second peak validation
- correction of particle image intensity variations
corrections of some bugs in the program
Experimental PIV data
- Challenging PIV data:
- Experimental PIV Images taken in a mixing chamber model. The experiments have been perfomred at the Chair of
Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, TU Darmstadt.
- PIV data taken from a moving glass block to verify the influence of intensity variations of particle images on the RMS error of the PIV analysis.