PIV Contest

Test Suite I
Test Suite II
nambis PIV Processing
Data Protection Policy

The PIV Contest is a test suite for planar PIV image processing tools. It provides series of test images, yielding information about accuracy and spatial resolution of the PIV processing. It is open to any developer of PIV processing tools. To participate in the contest, please load and analyze the test images and send back the obtained displacement fields according to the specifications given for the image processing. The displacement fields will be analyzed according to the relevant statistical quantities. The results are shown in comparative plots together with links to the appropriate developer.

So far two test suites have been designed:

The PIV Contest suite is open for anybody and at any time. It will be developed continuously and remain open. All test images are available, simulated test imges together with the reference displacement fields and the appropriate source code. Also the programs deriving the statistical properties of the algorthms are available together with their source codes to allow anybody to do the tests inhouse before uploading the results.